Hi everyone!!
Forthcoming Trips  |
Website Update & New Galleries  |
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Forthcoming Trips
Since ........ AFRICA!!! was such a huge trip nearly 2 months 7 countries and 16,850 images later I am now tied to my PC processing the results of this mad mad trip "A long Way Up" for me it was anyway 43 days overland trip Cape Town to Nairobi....through Namibia, Botswana, Victoria Falls, Zambia, Malawi, Zanzibar, Tanzania and Kenya where I put together a 10 day safari visiting Samburu Naivasha Nakuru and Masai Mara a crazy crazy trip for someone with a back injury but hey what a challenge and what photo opportunities. I returned with an ankle injury after rushing down the steps of our truck in Namibia to see a Rhino at the waterhole in Etosha our tour guide made a splint and amazingly I managed to fulfill most everything on my agenda. The Africa Gallery is well underway and will be added to overtime and a few travel tales are in the pipeline........So although I have a few trips on my wish list Egypt and India I am taking a little break to catch up
Last spring I took a month long Caribbean trip to .... Cuba / Barbados / St Lucia / Jamaica
I am really excited with the images I have........ I managed to capture some great candid shots and unique social viewpoints from these fascinating Islands and of course some stunning scenery with amazing sunsets. 8000 photos to sort but I have uploaded a selection now so look out for them
Website Update & New Galleries
NEW!! Currency Conversion Guide .......Most countries supported also linked from Image Details page I hope you find this useful
Brand NEW!! is my FUN "GUESTBOOK" where you can post comments and advise it has some great little smilies too I hope you will make good use of it
"Links" page is being added to NOW on a regular basis I am including some very interesting information sites for Animal Conservation, Destinations, Travel Places to Stay Accommodation and Web Services
"Help" page added another work in progress any suggestions welcome !!
Latest Galleries ...Apart from Africa I have finished uploading the 450 images to the Havana Gallery categorized into 7 Galleries and at last Madrid
I have created links back to my old website the new url www.kathrynharrisonphotography.com ....AS it will still take quite a while to upload those images here so my decision is to work with latest first and work back (I know I'm a crazy woman) but the logic there is that very soon I'll reach a point where my old website meets new and then it will just be a process of transferring those although some have already migrated and will probably continue to do so. Poor Thailand and they are so good too I was just about to process them when I had this notion to upgrade so perhaps I'll filter a few of those through as a taster ...........I have a bit of a butterfly brain it takes a time to settle on the job in hand. So I'm going to tackle them next.
One of my favorite trips was to Paris at Valentines .....cold but beautifully crisp clear days and some romantic pics for good measure already on the old site . Next I did 2 cities in one trip Barcelona and Madrid really pleased with the great images I shot. Madrid was a second visit on the first I spent 3 days in the rain lovely night shots with reflections but needed to return and it took 2 years but finally I always try to fulfill a promise even those to myself. Oh silly me forgot before that I'd visited the Wildlife Heritage Foundation in Kent with Chris Weston respected wildlife photographer ......definately respected by me when trying to capture moving or sleeping animals in a crouch position eye level but oooh bad for my back injury still no pain no gain and I think I actuall managed to capture some reasonable shots and I hope to return to wait it out for a real peach!!!
And a country I simply must re-visit Morocco .....a much awaited trip and it didn't disappoint, such a fantastic country colourful mystical and I'm sure not my last trip. I've written a piece in facts link above
Directly after Morocco I stayed a few days in Granada its been on my wish list a few years and finally .......OH! how wonderful just wait till you see my images you'll just have to go I stayed in the Plaza Nueva the hub of the city and a short bus ride to the Alhambra entrance.
Other pics to be added Autumn in Essex .....and some absolutely wonderful sunsets and sunrises from Spain. So "Watch this Space" for more news
Best wishes
Kathy |